For the first time in months I’m sitting with my windows wide open and shutters wound up. The breeze is gently cooling my big daft face.
Lately things have been a little lonely – housemates not returning back from work until between 7 and 10pm, so there’s just me spending hours alone, going a little bit crazy at my desk with no human contact.
It’s not always like this, though.
So I’m still splitting my time up between Graphic Design work and illustration work. I love both equally, but feel like they use almost opposites sides of my brain.
My methods to fight off this loneliness involve: tea; podcasts; music; snacks; comic books.
For a while now I’ve been forcing my way through a book called ‘Handling the Undead’ which was written by the chap who wrote ‘Let the Right One In’. I’ve heard the latter is incredible, but the Undead book is just a bit boring. I thought I was being slow and stupid for not being able to get into it, but recently my friend confirmed that he too found it dull.
I’m not quite sure how he took a concept such as this and made it so bland and uneventful. I’m just hoping for a big finish now.