by lookhappy | Nov 3, 2016 | Comics
So I was using a fairly normal WP_query, along the lines of <?php $query = new WP_Query...
by lookhappy | Oct 26, 2016 | News
There are a number of things I wish I could’ve know when I was starting out my career as a freelancer. I’m going to write a few short blog entries here to try and pass on some tips and encouragement to anyone who may be early on in their self employment...
by lookhappy | Mar 18, 2015 | News
This was another very tricky thing to wrap my head around. So what we want to do is list a custom Taxonomy item, and then below that all the posts that have that taxonomy applied to them. So for example it should look like this: TAXONOMY ITEM 1 – post 1 –...
by lookhappy | Mar 18, 2015 | News
So the problem with this was solved, but it became even trickier. So what I wanted to add was a custom Taxonomy to be displayed for each item, as well as filtering by a custom field value. So the first problem was getting the custom taxonomy to relate to the custom...
by lookhappy | Mar 12, 2015 | News
So this was a tricky one to wrap my head around, just because the logic makes sense, but is difficult to word. So basically what I wanted to do was create a new Custom Post Type, which would have a selection list of all the published posts for you to be able to select...