by lookhappy | Feb 29, 2012 | Illustrations, Work
Images from friday night’s exhibition opening at The Sho Gallery and Shop. My friend Luke Hyde and myself did 5 paintings each, and painted mural on the night. The event was a big success and for a large part of it the place was so packed out you could barely...
by lookhappy | Feb 3, 2012 | Illustrations, Work
I’m having my first gallery show with my Artist and animator friend Luke Hyde!!! The Opening night is Friday 24th February (7pm – 10pm), and Saturday 25th (midday – 5:30pm)! There will be live painting and stuff It is at The Sho Gallery, Cardiff...
by lookhappy | Nov 25, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
A painting of Adventure Cat. It was a birthday present for my awesome...
by lookhappy | Oct 19, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
An illustration for part of Made In Roath, on display on the wall in the ally behind Milgi bar in Cardiff. It’s a giant robot made up of scrap metal, tires, gas cans, an old computer. And he’s sick – throwing up oil all over himself and stumbling...
by lookhappy | Sep 19, 2011 | News
My first piece of pixelart animation was of a dead nyancat, for candy the magic dinosaur and It was definitely a very fun experiment, and something I’d love to do more of. Watch this...