by lookhappy | Aug 16, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
So this is how the snare drum turned out with all the hardware attached and finished, ready for use. I am absolutely stoked to see it in it’s finished form. Full kudos go out to Geo and everyone at SJC Drums for getting me involved in...
by lookhappy | Jul 22, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
2 page comic done for The Hype Theory’s single release. The story is about a band that go on tour, but come across a horde of space zombies. The band think it’s they’re fans so they just rock out. Super short deadline but I think it turned out...
by lookhappy | Jul 6, 2011 | News
I just want to discuss a simple idea with you today, that of contact areas of websites. My work relies on word of mouth from happy clients, as well people stumbling up on my portfolio on this here website, therefor it needs to be as simple as possible for people to...
by lookhappy | Jun 23, 2011 | Illustrations
I was asked at the last minute to paint a mural on a pillar in the Little Big City gallery in Cardiff. It was done in one day between 10:30am and...
by lookhappy | Jun 9, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
So I got asked by SJC drums to be part of their Artist Series and paint a snare drum. The idea I came up with is based around a character I’ve painted a number of times – he’s a weird gangly creature with a giant head. In this image he’s taken...