Custom post type orderby menu_order not working?
So this seems like it should be straight forward - you've created your custom post type within wordpress, but for some reason your template is totally ignoring your orderby commands. You try setting it to orderby=menu_type, or orderby=ID, but nothing seems to make a...
How to add an Admin user to a WordPress install via FTP
So I've decided to start using this blog as a place to store useful Wordpress tricks and things as I come across them and learn them. So this is a little snippet to allow you to add an Admin user to a Wordpress install even if you only have FTP access. Obviously I'd...
Christmas approaches
Yep, another year rears it's bizarre and blurry head. The past few months I've learnt a lot about jQuery development, and Wordpress tricks and techniques. Things are jumping forward. Soon I hope to share some of these things with you, in case anyone has hit the same...
Shadow of the Colossus
A collection of quick drawings I did of Shadow of the Colossus. One drawing of each Colossi. It was great fun and great practice. View them on Deviant Art...
SJC Snare Drum Painting #02
So this is my second snare drum painting for the amazing SJC drums. They are the best people to work with, and are basically awesome. Check out SJC Drums...
The Sho Exhibition
Images from friday night's exhibition opening at The Sho Gallery and Shop. My friend Luke Hyde and myself did 5 paintings each, and painted mural on the night. The event was a big success and for a large part of it the place was so packed out you could barely move!...
Art Show!
I'm having my first gallery show with my Artist and animator friend Luke Hyde!!! The Opening night is Friday 24th February (7pm - 10pm), and Saturday 25th (midday - 5:30pm)! There will be live painting and stuff It is at The Sho Gallery, Cardiff Please come down on...
Adventure Cat
A painting of Adventure Cat. It was a birthday present for my awesome...
Artshow Robot
An illustration for part of Made In Roath, on display on the wall in the ally behind Milgi bar in Cardiff. It's a giant robot made up of scrap metal, tires, gas cans, an old computer. And he's sick - throwing up oil all over himself and stumbling through some rocky...
Dead Nyan Cat
My first piece of pixelart animation was of a dead nyancat, for candy the magic dinosaur and It was definitely a very fun experiment, and something I'd love to do more of. Watch this...