by lookhappy | Nov 25, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
A painting of Adventure Cat. It was a birthday present for my awesome...
by lookhappy | Oct 19, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
An illustration for part of Made In Roath, on display on the wall in the ally behind Milgi bar in Cardiff. It’s a giant robot made up of scrap metal, tires, gas cans, an old computer. And he’s sick – throwing up oil all over himself and stumbling...
by lookhappy | Aug 16, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
So this is how the snare drum turned out with all the hardware attached and finished, ready for use. I am absolutely stoked to see it in it’s finished form. Full kudos go out to Geo and everyone at SJC Drums for getting me involved in...
by lookhappy | Jul 22, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
2 page comic done for The Hype Theory’s single release. The story is about a band that go on tour, but come across a horde of space zombies. The band think it’s they’re fans so they just rock out. Super short deadline but I think it turned out...
by lookhappy | Jun 9, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
So I got asked by SJC drums to be part of their Artist Series and paint a snare drum. The idea I came up with is based around a character I’ve painted a number of times – he’s a weird gangly creature with a giant head. In this image he’s taken...
by lookhappy | Mar 13, 2011 | Illustrations, Work
My third adventure into 3D modelling and rendering. Previously I had only touched Cinema 4D, which I found to give me extremely satisfying results considering I was so new to the software. This time I attempted the project using 3DSmax, and a free plugin called Forest...